World premier of the new percussion concerto by G.F.Haas…
Here you can find links to videos and texts about the new „Konzert für Klangwerk und Orchester“ by Georg Friedrich Haas and its world premiere at the Philharmonie Luxembourg with Christoph Sietzen, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg and Ilan Volkov. It is a co-production of the Philharmonie Luxembourg, Wiener Konzerthaus, Gürzenich Orchester Köln and Casa da Musica Porto.
ZDF Heute Journal: https://amp.zdf.de/nachrichten/heute-journal/schrott-im-scheinwerferlicht-100.html
3Sat Kulturzeit: https://www.3sat.de/kultur/kulturzeit/christoph-sietzen-in-luxemburg-100.html
RTL Luxembourg: https://www.rtl.lu/kultur/news/a/1439074.html
Radio 100,7 Interview with G.F.Haas and Christoph Sietzen: https://www.100komma7.lu/program/episode/277955/201911271840-201911271845
Rehersal and interviews at the Philharmonie Luxembourg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP2jX2hiPms&app=desktop
Journal Luxembourg, „A sensational premiere“: https://www.journal.lu/top-navigation/article/reduktionen-ohne-einschraenkungen/